About Wasausink Lands Inc.

Welcome to Wasausink Lands Inc.

Wasausink Lands Inc. oversees and manages 244 Lease Lots located on Wasauksing First Nation (WFN) Parry Sound Reserve No.16. All 244 lots have a seasonal resident "cottage" located on the lot. The cottage belongs to the Registered Lessee(s) which is responsible to pay a yearly fee to lease the land for the cottage.

The cottage lots are along the north shore of the island known as the Cottage Subdivision. All cottages are on the water of Georgian Bay. Wasauksing First Nation is adjacent to the town of Parry Sound, ON in the heart of the 30,000 islands.

The Head Lease Agreement originally with her Majesty the Queen is now with Wasauksing First Nation and the Lease expires April 30, 2032. At this time, there is no negotiating to have the Lease extended.

History of WLI Lease Lots

From the early 1970s, Wasausink Lands Inc. (WLI) has held a Lease Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen to manage and collect lease fees for 244 Lease Lots on Wasauksing First Nation (WFN) Parry Island Reserve No.16.

Lease dollars are collected by WLI, 10% of the total fees collected are sent to Wasauksing First Nation (WFN). The remainder of the fees had been reinvested into infrastructure within the cottage lot subdivision and programming for Wasauksing First Nation Community Members on and off reserve.


The Wasausink Lands Inc. Mission Statement mandated by the First Nation in 1971 is Economic Development.

As of 2019, the goal of Wasausink Lands Inc. (WLI) is to support Registered Wasauksing First Nation (WFN) Members with employable skills and training needed to obtain and sustain reasonable access for Employment.

WLI will endeavor to support WFN Registered Community Members with our Cultural and Language Initiatives.


WLI Board of Directors has reviewed and revised programs and policies. Some of the programs available to our Community Members are:

  • Student Bursary
  • Annuity Program
  • One-time Gift Program
  • Bereavement
  • Transit
  • Young Drivers
  • Income Tax Program
If you would like more information, please click on WFN below.

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Wasausink Lands Inc.
70 Isabella Street, Unit 110, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1M6
Tel: (705) 746-7601 Fax: (705) 746-8696 Email: info@wasausinklandsinc.com

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Box 225, Parry Sound, Ontario, CANADA P2A 2X3 Tel/FAX (705) 746-4625
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